From the Dairy Barn of Iowa to the Skies: A bit of an update...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A bit of an update...

we are still at the airport here in Schiphol. The fortunate part of it is we have free "gratis wifi" internet at the airport and are able to make calls and keep updated.

We arrived at the kiosk at the check-in at 11:59 AM and we received a message on the paper, that we needed to see an agent. We waited in line for 1 1/2 hours, only to discover that the updated reservation from last night was not in the system and left us still listed on the 10:20 AM flight when we were trying to get on the only flight to Minneapolis that left at 2:40 PM.

By this time, they said that the flight was closed and we would not be allowed to board, and that non-revenue people were not allowed to board - OOPS - that was meant for those starting a trip and not going home... - by this time, all the time we needed to get there was spent.

Later I checked the internet for that flight - and it showed it left with 86 seats open - YEP - you are reading this right - EIGHTY-SIX SEATS NOT OCCUPIED...

Also, I had asked about the Detroit flight - the other Delta flight that was leaving had 82 seats available...

Well, we are having a good time by using our computer and iPods and looking around at the shops at the airport - and enjoying the occasional "vla" - Dutch pudding in a milk carton.

Colin, Austin, and Sydney camped out by the "duplex" European plug-in at Schiphol Airport.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. 86. With that many, you would think they could have taken ALL non-revs, not just the ones returning home. And the other one, too? Crazy. I'm sure it was a madhouse/mess for those people there, but someone (or a few someones!) was obviously dropping the ball!
