From the Dairy Barn of Iowa to the Skies: The other day, I found this magazine...

Monday, May 16, 2011

The other day, I found this magazine...

while helping the flight attendants straightening the cabin between flights. "I get this magazine", I exclaimed. I loved this magazine when I was at home...

...MAN vs WEED...I may not have a farm, but I have a little garden...and the enemy is weeds and rabbits...

So, off to the internet to order "Successful Farming"....hmmm, I wonder what project I can create from the "Idea of the Month"...

Have a HAPPY DAY....while I dream about FARMING and I wait for my first issue of SUCCESSFUL FARMING.


  1. we get it now too....and I ♥ the idea of the month too.

  2. I remember that .... would look at the comic(s) in it:)
