From the Dairy Barn of Iowa to the Skies: Is spring coming?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Is spring coming?

Today, it was a pretty nice day, so I began to do some outdoor work, feels good, eh?

Behind the garage is a little garden shed:

but it had some rot around the doors from getting wet, so I took the doors apart and fixed them up, add a rain gutter. Here are the pieces:

and the final results:


  1. Now maybe some antique tools hanging on the shed?! Just a thought..... =-)

  2. Thx, unfortunately I don't have said tools, but I will look around...I cant wait to plant tomatoes, peppers, tators, corn, flowers, and etc!!! Homemade salsa from the garden...YUMMY!!!

  3. I can't wait to help garden
